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keep smiling even in bad times, rest assured that happiness will come.

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011


kemaren temen gue dikasih tebak-tebakan dari pacarnya..

Tebak-tebakannya gini nih ,,

gue pengen beli pizza, tapi ga punya duit. akhirnya gue pinjem duit ke si A 25rebu, ke si B 25rebu juga.. berarti totalnya kan 50rebu..
terus, gue beliin pizza dah.. pizzanya harganya 47rebu.. kembalian 3rebu..
sekarangkan duit gue sisa 3rebu,, gue nyicil utang ke si A serebu, ke si B jg serebu, serebu lagi gue pegang.. berarti sekarang utang gue ke si A tinggal 24rebu, ke si B 24rebu juga.. 24+24 kn 48, titambah yang ada di gue 1rebu, jd kn 49rebu..
terus, duit serebunya lagi kmana dong???

Aga repost ni.haha jawab yah :D

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

flowchart luas segitiga, persegi panjang, lingkaran dan bujursangkar

Flowcart - Klik untuk memperbesar gambar

apa itu flowchart?

Flowchart merupakan sebuah
diagram dengan simbol-simbol
grafis yang menyatakan tipe
operasi program yang
berbeda.Sebagai representasi
dari sebuah program, flowchart
maupun algoritma dapat menjadi
alat bantu untuk memudahkan
perancangan alur urutan logika
suatu program, memudahkan
pelacakkan sumber kesalahan
program, dan alat untuk
menerangkan logika program.
Gambar berikut adalah symbol
flowchart yang umum
1 Simbol Proses
2 Simbol Keputusan
Digunakan untuk
penyeleksian kondisi di
dalam program
3 Simbol input / output data
Digunakan untuk mewakili
input atau output data
4 Simbol titik terminasi
Digunakan untuk awal atau
akhir suatu program
5 Simbol garis alir
Digunakan untuk
menunjukkan arus dari
suatu proses

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011


Well you done done me and you
bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so
hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks,
now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I'll
be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me
but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win
some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more, no
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see
like me
Open up your plans and damn
you're free
Look into your heart and you'll
find love love love love
Listen to the music of the
moment people, dance and sing
We're just one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right
to be loved loved loved loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no
It cannot wait, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate,
our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
D-d-do do you, but do you, d-d-
But do you want to come on
Scooch on over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear
I've been spending way too long
checking my tongue in the
And bending over backwards just
to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the
And so I drew a new face and I
I guess what I be saying is there
ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and
just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name
is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more, no
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Come on and open up your
mind and see like me
(I won't hesitate)
Open up your plans and damn
you're free
(No more, no more)
Look into your heart and you'll
find that the sky is yours
(It cannot wait, I'm sure)
So please don't, there's no need
(There's no need to complicate)
There's no need to complicate
(Our time is short)
'Cause our time is short
(This is our fate)
This is, this is, this is our fate
I'm yours
Oh, I'm yours
Oh, I'm yours
Oh, whoa, baby you believe I'm
You best believe, best believe I'm

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Kiyoshi Sakurazuka si COWO CANTIK !

ceritanya sih gue lagi pesbukan yah. trus ada salah satu temen pesbuk gue ngebahas tentang Kiyoshi Sakurazuka, cowo tulen tapi bertampang cewe, mana cakep lagi. Akhirnya tertarik dah gue buat ngebahas tentang si cowo cantik ini. Gue cari-cari diinternet tentang dia.. Widiiiihhhh kaget bukan main gue liat poto2 si kiyosi. Ajip.. Cantik banget. Imut lagi...

liat deh poto-poto ini...

kesan pertama ngeliat ni poto pasti langsung terbayang ni cewe cakep bangett, manis banget.. ia kan?

tapi sebenernya kiyosi itu cowo tulen lho..
kita liat proflnya yuk ?

Name: kiyoshi sakurazuka
Real Name :澈樱冢 (Che Ying Zhong)
Birthday : April 4, 1984
Height : 160cm
Weight : 40kg
Blood type : A
Constellation : Aries
Gender : Male
Birthplace : Hunan, China
Graduate : Beijing Institute of Technology

gender MALE ,, percaya kah?
dia  itu seorang cosplayer cowok tapi gak pernah pakean pakaian cosplay cowok.

#Cosplayer adalah istilah bagi orang yang hobi berkostum ala karakter dalam film animasi, komik (manga) maupun video games. Berasal dari gabungan dua kata dalam bahasa Inggris Costum and Play.

emang sulit dipercaya sih kalo makhluk se cantik itu cowo.. hahahaahaa..

kita liat poto-potonya yukk :D

Kalo ini aga mirip cowo nih.. tapi tetep aja dah.. cakep.

ini dia poto bareng temen cewenya.. kiyosi yang pake bju item lhoo..

jadi gmana? lebih pantes disebut ganteng ato cantik??????

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011
